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Fenway Health Engages Spencer Stuart to Conduct National Search for New CEO

Fenway's Ansin Building at 1340 Boylston Street

The Fenway Health Board of Directors is pleased to announce that the Search Committee for a new and permanent CEO has engaged a firm to conduct the national search process.

We are delighted to partner with Spencer Stuart, a global executive search firm with an outstanding record of recruiting highly qualified leaders, including the top executives for public health and nonprofit health organizations.

In making this selection, the CEO Search Committee was particularly impressed with Spencer Stuart’s strong track record of presenting diverse candidate slates. In searches led by Spencer Stuart over the past five years, more than half of all nonprofit placements in North America have been women and people of color. Among those placements, nearly three-quarters were for top institutional leadership positions, including President and CEO.

We are fortunate to undertake this process with a great deal of work already having been done to understand the skills and qualities that stakeholders of Fenway Health are seeking in the new, permanent CEO. The Spencer Stuart team will build off of the stakeholder engagement work that took place in 2018, and over the next several weeks, will conduct additional outreach to hone their understanding of our needs in the next leader of Fenway Health. The firm will interview a diverse cross-section of stakeholders, including staff from various departments, representatives of the Racial Justice & Equity Collaborative, patients, donors, Board Members, and other members of the Fenway community.

With the information gathered from stakeholders, Spencer Stuart will develop a job description and begin a national search by the end of July, including targeted outreach to their extensive network of leaders.

Jane Powers, MSW, LICSW, will continue to serve as Acting CEO. She and the entire Fenway leadership team have done a remarkable job moving Fenway forward throughout the search for a permanent CEO, and we are grateful for the continuity and stability that Jane and the team provide.

The Board of Directors remains committed to hiring the right CEO to lead one of the nation’s most prominent LGBTQ health care organizations, and we thank you for your continued support throughout this critical process.

Diane M. Tucker                                                                              Scott Walker, CFA
Board Member                                                                                 Board Member
CEO Search Committee Co-Chair                                                CEO Search Committee Co-Chair

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