Anthony’s Story: Change the Narrative. Change a Life. Support AIDS Action.

Anthony had fallen out of care and was fearful about visiting a healthcare provider, but he had heard from friends that AIDS Action’s Access: Drug User Health Program was a safe space where he could pursue the resources he needed. After a recent exposure to HIV, Anthony came in to Access to get tested.

As a drop-in center with HIV/HCV/STI testing and health education and navigation, Access was able to offer Anthony a quick assessment and an HIV test. Within less than a week, Anthony received the results of his test and was linked to care.

Whether clients are new to the Boston area or have fallen out of care, they can work with Access to find a health plan that works for them.

Your support of the 2019 AIDS Walk Boston helps us continue to provide vital legal services for those in need. Change the Narrative. Change a Life. Support AIDS Action.

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