Fenway Health Implements New Ethics And Compliance Hotline

As part of our ongoing effort to move Fenway forward and improve transparency throughout our organization, we will be implementing an employee ethics and compliance hotline called Red Flag Reporting. Red Flag Reporting is an independent organization that is dedicated to protecting organizations and their employees, constituents, assets and reputations. This service allows employees to securely report any concerns regarding improper activity within their organization, ranging from financial concerns such as theft or misstated financial statements to workplace concerns such as harassment, care issues, discrimination, safety issues, substance abuse, compliance issues and the like. Red Flag Reporting is completely independent from Fenway Health, which gives incident reporters the option to remain completely anonymous.

The implementation of a third-party hotline was one of our top priorities here Fenway following a recent series of employee listening sessions. These reporting services have been touted as a best practice the Society for Human Resource Management and the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants.

We hope this new resource will be a constructive addition to our efforts to address problematic workplace behaviors and make Fenway Health a safe and affirming place for all our dedicated employees.

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