Fenway: South End and Sidney Borum, Jr. Health Program to Move to 1340 Boylston Street in 2024

Photograph of 142 Berkeley Street in Boston's South End

We would like to inform our Fenway Health community that all clinical care and services offered at 142 Berkeley Street via Fenway: South End and the Sidney Borum, Jr. Health Program will be moved to the Fenway Health Ansin Building at 1340 Boylston Street in mid to late 2024.

Fenway Health is highly committed to continuing as the medical home for the patients and clients who currently receive care and services at 142 Berkeley Street. With this move, patients and clients will continue to be seen by their current care team and they will have direct access to Saturday services. They will also have access to our high-quality care and specialty services under one roof, including, but not limited to, primary care, behavioral health, reproductive health, gender-affirming care, HIV care, dentistry, optometry, radiology, and a full-service pharmacy. All of the care and specialty services offered by Fenway Health center the needs of our LGBTQIA+ patients.

For now, nothing will change for patients and clients who currently receive care and services at 142 Berkeley Street. As soon as we have a moving date, we will alert you. Meanwhile, our goal is to make this transition as seamless as possible. If you have any questions, please reach out to the Patient Relations Team by calling 617.927.6178.

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