Mia’s Story: Change the Narrative. Change a Life. Support AIDS Action.

It was a freezing, snowy February when Mia, an HIV+ mother of two and long-time AIDS Action client, came in cold, wet, and tired. Because of canceled busses, delayed trains, and school day cancellations, Mia was losing hours at work to take care of her children. Her family’s income and housing were in jeopardy.

Mia’s case manager worked with her to make a plan to get through the winter. He helped Mia apply for emergency financial assistance to close the gap between her fast approaching rent payments and shrinking paycheck.

The extra funds kept Mia’s family from losing their apartment.

Mia and her children are just one example of the hundreds of clients and families that came to AIDS Action for rental assistance. Because of donations, Mia and others like her are able to receive assistance from housing specialists and to find stability.

Your support of the 2019 AIDS Walk Boston helps us continue to provide vital legal services for those in need. Change the Narrative. Change a Life. Support AIDS Action.

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