Fenway Health will be closed on Monday, February 17 for President's Day. We will reopen for normal operations on Tuesday, February 18

Our Values: Boldness

Here at Fenway Health, our shared values are the core of our work each and every day. As we continue to implement our Strategic Plan and Racial Equity Action Plan (REAP), announced in June, we will engage with internal and external stakeholders with a “Value of the Month!” This month’s value is BOLDNESS.

What does Boldness mean? It means that we value informed risk-taking and experimentation, even in the face of uncertainty. We are willing to step outside our comfort zone when a promising new approach presents itself. We are willing to fail and committed to learning from and communicating about our experiences to inform our thinking and that of our colleagues and the broader community. We stand up for the things we believe in.

Fenway Health’s boldness is reflected by our commitment to becoming an antiracist organization by working to overcome the disparities and inequities that exist in the services we provide, the people we reach, the workplace culture we foster, and the outcomes we achieve, hence, the creation of our REAP.

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