Keep the Flame Burning at Youth on Fire!

Portrait of Six Cool Looking Young Friends Stood Together

You may have heard that because of a series of funding cuts, AIDS Action’s Cambridge based Youth on Fire is scheduled to close later this fall.  Since this announcement there’s been a groundswell of support to try to do something to keep the doors of this critical program open.  We’re hard at work with state and local agencies to try to find long-term sustainable funding, but we need your help to keep the program open through the winter, one of the most vulnerable times for homeless youth.

Here’s your chance to help!  LGBTQ activist, Liz Fong-Jones is pledging to match dollars given to several different nonprofits who do significant work on advancing trans rights/empowerment, and Youth on Fire is one of those organizations.  Liz will match up to $25,000 given by our community to help Youth on Fire stay open while we try secure longer term funding.

But you must act now!  Gifts must be made by August 18, 2017 and any amount is eligible for the match.  Make a gift right now to help give our most vulnerable young people a chance!


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