National Nurse Practitioner Week 2021

Tomorrow marks the end of National Nurse Practitioner Week, which runs from November 7 to 13 this year. Here at Fenway Health, we are fortunate to have stellar Nurse Practitioners serving on our Executive Committee, in our Medical Department and Behavioral Health Department, and at the Fenway Institute. Fenway NPs consistently provide exceptional care to our patients and study participants. They also serve as amazing leaders, outstanding educators, and valuable committee members.

This National Nurse Practitioner Week, the Massachusetts Coalition of Nurse Practitioners named Fenway Health NP Helena Turner as one of their NP Heroes. Please join us in congratulating Helena on this well-deserved honor!

We’d like to recognize our all wonderful Nurse Practitioners who work tirelessly to keep our communities healthy:

Executive Committee
Aimee Carew-Lyons, NP

Behavioral Health Department
Rebecca Match, NP
Sarah Richards, NP

Medical Department
Sophia Axtman, NP (1340 Boylston – 2nd floor)
Teresa Mclaughlin, NP (1340 Boylston – 2nd floor)
Laura Branford-White, NP (1340 Boylston – 2nd floor)
Jimmy Kamel, NP (1340 Boylston – 2nd floor)
Lauren Wasley, NP (1340 Boylston – 3rd floor)
Madeline Wise, NP (1340 Boylston – 3rd floor)
Emily Ferjuste, NP (1340 Boylston – 3rd floor)
Helena Turner, NP (1340 Boylston – 4th floor)
Julian Dormitzer, NP (1340 Boylston – 4th floor)
Micker Samios, NP (1340 Boylston – 5th floor)
Adam Laird, NP (1340 Boylston – Float)
Dan Kahn, NP (South End – IM)
Diana Namumbejja Abwoye, NP (South End-FM)
Samantha Hodgins, NP (Borum)
Elizabeth Russet, NP (per diem)
Michael DiFabrizio, NP (per diem)

The Fenway Institute
Julian Dormitzer, NP
Jessica Kraft, NP

Thank you all for the incredible work you all do each and every day!

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