Access: Drug User Health Program Welcomes Community At Open House

Our wonderful staff!

The Access: Drug User Health Program in Cambridge hosted a fun and informative open house on Wednesday, June 6. Over 50 community members, business owners, health care providers, board members, program participants, case workers, and Community Advisory Board (CAB) members were in attendance.

During the open house, Access staff ran several information stations, teaching visitors about important topics such as how to prevent the spread of Hepatitis C, how HIV testing works, and what to do if you witness an overdose.

Access: Drug User Health Program is one of the state’s pilot sites for the distribution of Narcan, a nasal spray provided to IDUs and their network of supportive family and friends to reverse potentially fatal overdoses. The program also operates a drop-in center where members can access risk reduction supplies, such as crack kits, safer injection supplies, and condoms; risk reduction counseling; information and referrals to medical, substance use, and other social service providers; HIV/HCV/STI testing and much more. For more information on Access, please call us at 617.599.0246 or email [email protected].

Thank you to everyone who joined us for our open house!

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