AIDS Action Housing Program To Be Honored By MHSA

We are proud to announce that the Housing Program at AIDS Action has been named as a recipient of the 2018 Cornerstone Award from the Massachusetts Housing & Shelter Alliance (MHSA). This award is in recognition of the tireless work of our Housing Program staff in helping clients access low-threshold, permanent supportive housing.

The Housing Program will receive the award at MHSA’s Annual Meeting on Tuesday, December 11 at the Boston College Club.

The MHSA is a nonprofit public policy advocacy organization with the mission of ending homelessness in the Commonwealth. Nearly 100 community-based agencies statewide, including AIDS Action, are MHSA members.

AIDS Action is part of MHSA’s Home & Healthy for Good (HHG) initiative, which uses a Housing First model to address the costs of homelessness, particularly for chronically homeless individuals and those who represent the highest usage of emergency public services. Since its launch in 2006, the HHG initiative has placed 1011 chronically homeless adults – including 196 veterans – into permanent housing with supportive services.

According to MHSA, “HHG results show a trend toward tremendous savings in health care costs, especially hospitalizations, when chronically homeless individuals are placed into housing with services. Once in housing, individuals are safer than they were on the streets or in shelter, experiencing fewer accidents and injuries that require immediate attention.”

Please join us in congratulating the AIDS Action Housing Program staff on this well deserved honor!

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