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Article Co-Authored By Fenway Staff Wins AGESW Award

We are pleased to announce that an article co-authored by Fenway Institute staff has been named the recipient of the 2019 Association for Gerontological Education in Social Work (AGESW) Rose Dobrof Award. This award is presented to the author(s) of the most outstanding article published in the Journal of Gerontological Social Work during the past year.

The 2018 article, titled “Fear Runs Deep: The Anticipated Needs of LGBT Older Adults in Long-Term Care,” was co-authored by Lisa Krinsky, Director of the LGBT Aging Project, and Jennifer Putney, Adjunct Faculty Member at The Fenway Institute. Other co-authors include Sara Keary, Nicholas Hebert, and Rebekah Halmo.

This research effort was part of the Massachusetts LGBT Aging Needs Assessments (MLANA) collaboration between LGBT Aging Project, The Fenway Institute, and community partners with a focus on a variety of housing issues. The article examines what’s next in regards to where LGBTQIA+ older adults want to live as they grow older and potentially need more support. The needs of this demographic of seniors is a growing field of study, with discussions such as those highlighted in this article having potentially major implications for practice, policy and training.

“We are honored to be the recipient of the 2019 AGESW Rose Dobrof Award, particularly as we bring LGBT Aging to the broader community of gerontological social work,” said Krinsky.

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