Boomerangs Thrift Stores Closing

Boomerangs Logo

Fenway Health announced today that our Boomerangs thrift stores operating in Jamaica Plain, Central Square, and the South End will be closing in June. We have stopped accepting new donations and closing dates for each store will be announced soon.

Boomerangs was started by AIDS Action, which is now Fenway’s Public Health Division, with a mission to support HIV care and services. When Boomerangs launched in the mid-1990s, it was an incredibly innovative way to raise money for HIV services. For nearly 20 years, Boomerangs was an amazing success story, but for the last six years, it has seen significant financial losses. Fenway simply cannot continue to absorb those losses year after year, so we have made the difficult decision to close Boomerangs.

This decision is part of a series of changes being made to ensure Fenway Health continues to care for our community for years to come. AIDS Action as Fenway’s Public Health Division remains a central part of Fenway Health’s services.

We want to thank our Boomerangs customers, donors, and especially our dedicated and loyal staff over the years we have been in operation. Your contributions have helped to make thrifting with Boomerangs a unique and special experience, and we will miss being a part of the neighborhoods our stores are in and the larger community.


Founded in 1971, Fenway Health advocates for and delivers innovative, equitable, accessible health care, supportive services, and transformative research and education. We center LGBTQIA+ people, BIPOC individuals, and other underserved communities to enable our local, national, and global neighbors to flourish.


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