
Good Nutrition is an Important Part of Maintaining Your Wellness, Especially For People Living With Chronic Conditions Like HIV/AIDS or Cancer

Fenway Health medical providers and nutritionist work with patients to create healthy nutrition plans that meet their individual needs and resources.

Accessing a Nutritionist

If you are a patient at Fenway Health and would like to discuss your individual nutrition needs and goals, please talk to your medical provider. We don’t currently have an on-staff nutritionist, but we can provide you with a referral.

Community Meals for LGBT Older Adults

The LGBT Aging Project maintains a listing of community meals happening across the state, including weekly luncheons, monthly brunches, a monthly women’s program and two monthly supper programs. Click here to visit the Community Meals page on the LGBTQIA+ Aging Project website. Food & Nutrition Programs for People Living with HIV/AIDS

The Boston Living Center

The Boston Living Center offers free congregate meals for people living with HIV/AIDS

Community Servings

Community Servings delivers prepared meals to income-eligible people living with HIV/AIDS

Food Assistance

Project Bread

Project Bread operates the Food Source Hotline to connect you to emergency food resources across Massachusetts.
Call 800.645.8333 (TTY Line: 800.377.1292).

The website maintains an online listing of food pantries and free meal programs in Massachusetts.

Additional Resources

Fenway Health recommends these websites for additional online nutrition information:

Food and Nutrition Information Center

The Food and Nutrition Information Center at the National Agricultural Library has been a leader in food and human nutrition information dissemination since 1971

The FDA’s official site for consumer nutrition information.

Nutrition Navigator

Home page of Gerald J. and Dorothy R. Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy at Tufts University



In-Person and Telehealth Appointments


 Healthy Eating Tipsheet

Fenway’s Take Charge Series aims to help members of our community improve their health through small steps. This colorful brochure on healthy eating offers practical information you can use to improve your health. Click here for the brochure.

Ansin Building

1340 Boylston Street
Boston, MA 02215


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