Monkeypox Vaccination Eligibility

Elegibilidad Para la Vacuna Contra la Viruela Del Mono

Updated/Actualizado 08/28/2023

You may be eligible for Monkeypox vaccination

As you may know, there is currently a Monkeypox outbreak affecting every state and many countries. The federal government has a small stockpile of a vaccine, Jynneos, which is able to provide immunity against Monkeypox, and has released these vaccines to local health departments. The Massachusetts Department of Health (DPH) has identified Fenway Health as a distribution site.

You are receiving this letter as you may be eligible for vaccination based on current CDC and DPH guidelines. Fenway Health would like to offer you vaccination against Monkeypox with Jynneos. Please call our dedicated vaccination hotline at 617.927.6000 to be screened for eligibility, and to schedule an appointment. There are other vaccination sites within the state and city, as well. If you would prefer to visit another site, please visit for a complete list of vaccination sites. 

For more information on Monkeypox, please visit or

Thank you for taking this step to protect your health and our community,

Monkeypox Response Group

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