Dose Calculator

Use this calculator to figure out how much of your medicine (volume) to inject. Only enter numbers in the calculator (i.e., 1 or 1.0 or 10). Do not enter letters or other characters. Click on the “Calculate” button. The “volume to take,” is the amount to fill or draw the medicine up to in the syringe. For instance if 100mg is prescribed to you and you have a concentration of 200mg/mL in a 1.0 mL vial, the volume you take will be 0.5mL or cc as marked on the syringe. This is one-half of 1 cc. You can look at the syringe illustrations below to help visualize this. If you have any questions on your dose, call your medical prescriber. For Fenway patients, call the nursing call center at 617.927.6300.

Dose Ordered:
(The amount your provider ordered. e.g., enter ‘80’ for 80mg)
(example: enter ‘200’ for 200mg/mL)
Volume to Take:
(Fill syringe to this amount in mL)
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