HIV/AIDS Resources

Fenway Health is a World-Renowned Provider of HIV/AIDS Care and the Largest Provider of Outpatient HIV Care in New England

Fenway Health provides comprehensive care to patients living with HIV infection. We provide supportive and sensitive care to all, regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity, age, race, religion or ability to pay. Our range of high-quality services includes:

  • Primary care and counseling for HIV-infected patients
  • Antiretroviral therapy and side effect management for patients who require treatment
  • Custom treatment plans for patients who have HIV resistant to previous drug regimens
  • Comprehensive care for HIV-related conditions, including opportunistic infections
  • Screening for cervical and anal dysplasia
  • Screening for viral hepatitis coinfection (both hepatitis C and B)

Fenway’s model of care for all patients views the mind and body as one. We offer individual and group therapy, psychiatric expertise, addiction treatment and support in a welcoming environment. We also offer on-site complementary therapies including detox and wellness acupuncture and massage therapy.

Other services offered at Fenway include dermatology, pulmonology, podiatry, radiology and nutrition. Our on-site pharmacy has two locations, 1340 Boylston and 142 Berkeley, and provides many benefits to Fenway patients. Our main clinic at 1340 Boylston Street also offers on-site eye care and dental care.

We believe that everyone deserves access to high-quality, affordable health care. If you are currently uninsured, Fenway Health can help you enroll in Commonwealth Care, MassHealth, and other programs. If you live in Massachusetts, you may be eligible for coverage. And it’s easy. Please call us at 617.927.6000 and ask for an appointment with our insurance counselors, and also ask for information about our sliding fee schedule for patients and clients.

View More Information About Financial Assistance and Health Insurance Enrollment

Fenway Health participates in the Ryan White HIV/AIDS program to help provide a wide range of coordinated medical, behavioral health, vision, dental, case management, drug assistance and other essential support services to HIV+ people.

To speak to someone at Fenway Health to see what services you may qualify for, please call 617.927.6000 and ask to make an appointment with a Medical Case Manager.

To learn more about Ryan White and this national program, please visit the official program websites:

Fenway’s Behavioral Health Department offers a variety of short-term psychotherapy groups as well as longer-term psychotherapy groups for many therapy needs.

View Group Therapy Programs at Fenway Health

For patients with complex health problems such as HIV and other chronic illnesses, Fenway offers comprehensive case management services. Our registered nurses and medical social workers help patients understand and access the many resources available to them.

For chronically ill patients, the primary care nurse assumes the additional role of case manager, assisting and supporting you through the course of your illness. Your RN will help you understand the disease process and the impact it is likely to have on your health and provide the information you need to stay healthy and make sound choices about your health care.

We have staff available to help you cope with the practical and emotional aspects of your care and help you access mental health care. Behavioral health specialists are clinically-licensed therapists with graduate-level education, and can provide supportive counseling and therapy. Medical case managers are also available to help you apply for Medicare or Medicaid and access community-based services, such as financial, housing and legal assistance programs, and pastoral counseling; coordinate and facilitate communication among multiple service providers; and make referrals to various other services.

In addition to providing high-quality care for people living with HIV/AIDS, Fenway Health is actively involved in research to develop new ways to treat and control HIV infection. The Fenway Institute is currently recruiting participants for open studies.

View Open Studies at The Fenway Institute

Fenway Health is America’s leading healthcare organization with a specific mission to serve the LGBTQIA+ community. All medical and behavioral health care providers at Fenway are trained to care for the LGBTQIA+ community.

All medical and behavioral health care providers also have special training in transgender care, including hormone treatments. Fenway is the largest care provider and employer of transgender people in Massachusetts.

View More Information About Transgender Health Services

AIDS Action provides a wide range of supportive services for people living with HIV/AIDS, including peer support, housing assistance, case management, and more. In 2013, to better serve the community, AIDS Action and Fenway Health became strategic partners.

View More Information About AIDS Action’s Services

The Boston Living Center fosters the wellness of all HIV-positive people with peer leadership, wellness education programs, housing assistance and meals. Boston Living Center’s Services The Justice Resource Institute provides a range of services including Peer Support Services for those living with HIV/AIDS. Justice Resource Institute’s Services For additional information about HIV prevention, care and treatment:

If you are experiencing a medical emergency

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Fenway Health offers PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis) and PEP (post-exposure prophylaxis) in accordance with certain policies and procedures. If you are interested in learning more, please call to schedule an appointment.



Patients can use MyChart to request prescription refills and referrals online, schedule appointments, and communicate with some providers. 

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