COVID-19 and Sexual Assault Awareness Month

Fenway Health’s Violence Recovery Program continues to support people who have experienced domestic violence, sexual assault, and anti-LGBTQIA+ discrimination. Our counselors and advocates continue to provide counseling, safety planning, and other assistance by phone and/or video call.

As COVID-19 has confined people to their homes and left many isolated from support networks, people may be more vulnerable to sexual violence and other forms of abuse. LGBTQIA+ folks often experience sexual violence at higher rates and those with other marginalized identities may be more vulnerable.

  • 47% of transgender people are sexually assaulted at some point in their lifetime.
  • Approximately 1 in 8 lesbian women and almost half of bisexual women experience rape in their lifetime, which does not include various other forms of sexual violence and harassment.
  • Nearly half of bisexual men and four in ten gay men have experienced sexual violence other than rape in their lifetime.

We see you. We are here to help.

Fenway’s Violence Recovery Program now operates a call center from Monday through Friday, 9 AM – 5 PM. Please give us a call at 617.927.6250.

While we specialize in supporting LGBTQIA+ survivors, we are available to support ALL survivors.


  • Tips for When Staying Home isn’t the Safest Plan provided by the Anti-Violence Project.
  • Safelink – a 24/7 statewide hotline for domestic violence survivors is now also providing support and resources for survivors of sexual assault. The toll-free number is 877.785.2020. For the hearing-impaired, the TTY number is 877.521.2601.
  • Despite COVID-19 safety precautions, it is still possible to seek medical attention at an emergency room if you have been the victim of a sexual assault. SANE program nurses are available to conduct needed medical and forensic exams. It is recommended that you call the hospital ahead of time.
  • Massachusetts rape crisis centers are still operating and providing mobile support.

Please reach out to us. You are not alone.

The Violence Recovery Program team

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