Dr. Kenneth Mayer Receives 2021 NIH Sexual & Gender Minority Distinguished Investigator Award

We are pleased to announce that Dr. Kenneth H. Mayer, Medical Research Director at Fenway Health and Co-Director of The Fenway Institute, has received the 2021 NIH Sexual & Gender Minority (SGM) Distinguished Investigator Award from The National Institutes of Health (NIH) Sexual & Gender Minority Research Office (SGMRO).

The NIH SGM Research Investigator Awards Program was developed to recognize investigators who have made substantial and outstanding research contributions in areas related to SGM health. Each year, the SGMRO honors one distinguished investigator (selected internally by NIH staff) and two early-stage investigators (ESI) for their exemplary work and invites them to present a lecture at the annual SGM Research Investigator Awards.

Dr. Mayer will give present during the NIH award program on September 16, 2021 highlighting his research. This virtual event will include presentations from other SGM Research Investigator Awardees for the 2021 program; video of the presentations will be archived online for future viewing.

“It is gratifying that the National Institutes of Health’s Sexual and Gender Minority Research Office has recognized the work of The Fenway Institute in developing the science to inform best practices in the delivery of health care to LGBTQIA+ people,” Dr. Mayer said.

Please join us in congratulating Dr. Mayer on this well deserved honor!

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