Fenway Health Events: Looking Toward 2023

In recent years, the challenges of public health crisis like COVID-19 and Monkeypox have had a significant impact on the way we have been able to hold public events, both on campus here at Fenway Health and at outside venues. Events that had long been in-person community gatherings were moved online to keep everyone safe and reduce the spread of disease. As always, the health of our communities was our number one priority.

Now nearly three years later, amazing advancements in vaccines and antiviral medications has made it possible to safely gather in person. We are excited to announce that in 2023, Fenway Health events will be back in a big way!

Over the past several months, we’ve conducted discussions with many long-standing Fenway volunteers, supporters, and community members to help us reimagine our events. These discussions and the feedback provided will inform our 2023 events calendar.

The changes will not be limited to fundraising events or community events; new community engagement initiatives are being developed across the organization, including new volunteering opportunities. All of these changes are being developed in conjunction with the continuing work of our Racial Equity Action Plan.

We’d like to thank the dozens of community leaders who are actively working with us to help reimagine new possibilities for Fenway Health events!

Stay tuned to Fenway Health social media and our website events calendar to learn more about all the great events on the way in 2023 – in-person, virtual, and hybrid. We can’t wait to see you and celebrate together in the New Year!

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