Fenway Health Reaches Out To Community For National Health Center Week

On Wednesday, August 16, Fenway Health celebrated National Health Center Week (NHCW) with a day of outreach and giveaways in our Fenway neighborhood.

Staff from Fenway Health and The Fenway Institute were on hand throughout the day at a booth outside of our 1340 Boylston St. offices to pass out information on the programs and services we offer, how to become a Fenway Health patient, and how to join a research study. There were also plenty of fun, free souvenirs for all, including frisbees, stickers, gum, stress toys, and even rubber duckies (dressed in medical scrubs and lab coats, naturally).

Close to 300 Fenway neighborhood residents and visitors alike came to our booth to learn more about Fenway Health and The Fenway Institute. It was great to see so many familiar faces and meet new ones!

We’d like to thank Commonwealth Care Alliance, who joined us with their van – and plenty of giveaways of their own – to share valuable information on a wide variety of health plans. We’d also like to thank everyone who stopped by to say hello and learn more about everything happening here at Fenway Health.

If you’re interested in becoming a Fenway Health patient and would like more information on our services, please visit our website.

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