Fenway Health’s Jayson Duley To Serve As Co-Chair Of The Boston Community Health Center Emergency Preparedness Committee

We are excited to announce that Jayson Duley, CPP, Fenway Health Director of Safety and Security, has been appointed co-chair of the Boston Community Health Center (CHC) Emergency Preparedness (EP) Committee.

The CHC EP Committee develops and promotes the emergency preparedness and response capabilities of community health centers within the City of Boston and the Metro Boston Homeland Security Region (MBHSR). The Committee focuses on improving planning, response and recovery capabilities. It promotes training, drills and exercises covering a variety of emergency preparedness and response topics, as well as collects best practices learned from these exercises. The Committee is dedicated to the diverse populations served by community health centers, and strives to utilize technology to create new and more effective ways to protect these communities.

As the Massachusetts League of Community Health Centers explains, “traditionally, hospitals have been perceived as the first line of defense in the event of a disaster. However, the state’s community health centers not only play a significant role in maintaining the health of communities, they are well-positioned to participate in a local and statewide emergency response. Today, health centers are more than primary care providers – they are community responders.”

Please join us in congratulating Jayson on this appointment!

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