The Fenway Institute Seeking Production Company For HIV Educational Series

The Fenway Institute is seeking to hire a professional production company to produce 12 interactive learning modules that explore how certain interventions can improve the health outcomes of people living with HIV. Each module will take about 45-60 minutes for an individual to complete and will present and explain core elements of a specific HIV intervention to improve treatment adherence and viral suppression among people living with HIV.

All 12 final interactive learning modules must be delivered by July 1, 2019. As these modules will be created using Articulate Storyline, proficiency with that software is a must. The interactive learning modules will be developed based on materials that currently exist in toolkits and training slides. The production company would work closely with the E2i staff to develop outlines of the interactive learning modules and develop drafts.

If your organization is interested in developing this important educational project, please submit a proposal by May 13, 2019. The proposal guidelines are as follows:

The proposal should include a narrative, staffing plan, and budget proposal. The production company must have, and thoroughly describe in the proposal narrative, the following:

  1. Internal management capabilities for staying on track of all logistics and deadlines;
  2. Description of the company’s philosophy towards collaborative creative development;
  3. Timeline for the creation of the 12 interactive learning modules, with input from stakeholders;
  4. Budget with justification for included costs;
  5. Description and links to examples of completed work that demonstrate prior experience working with the target audiences or populations described in this RFP.
  6. Confirmation that all final interactive learning module files will be delivered by July 1, 2019.

The proposal should be no more than four pages (with appendix if applicable). You can download the full RFP which has much more information. Please submit all proposals to [email protected].


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