Fenway Moving Forward: Creating an Employee Advisory Council and Searching for a Third-Party Reporting Hotline Service

The Management Team and Board of Directors at Fenway Health are happy to be able to share two important developments that we hope will help us start moving forward from recent events.

Firstly, Fenway will be putting into place an ethics/compliance reporting hotline to be administered by a third party (not internally at Fenway). We are currently pursuing proposals from vendors in order to identify the best company to meet our needs.  This hotline will enable employees, vendors, donors, volunteers, clients, and members of the community to report concerns about compliance issues (including bullying and sexual harassment complaints), providing greater assurance of independence, checks and balances, confidentiality, and tracking of reporting and investigations.  This initiative has the full support of the Board and Management Team.

We will also be initiating an Employee Advisory Council (EAC) pilot with a mission to create an environment that values and supports employee engagement and promotes a healthy organization by supporting communication, input and transparency between staff and leadership.  The committee will act in an advisory capacity to Fenway’s Management Team at least until the “permanent” (non-interim) President/CEO position is filled.

Jane Powers, Fenway’s Director of Behavioral Health, will serve as Executive Sponsor of the group, which will be composed of staff from across the organization who will meet monthly. The responsibilities of the EAC will include:

  • Enhancing communication between leadership and staff in all divisions and locations of Fenway Health
  • Seeking to understand and appreciate different perspectives and to address employee concerns and issues
  • Encouraging, celebrating, and recognizing employees in open forums
  • Actively gathering employee feedback and strategies for improving employee engagement
  • Providing advice and recommendations on how to increase awareness and competencies for all employees. This might include training programs, guest speaker programs, book clubs or other forms of communication and interaction.
  • Seeking input for Fenway’s Management Team on new, innovative and best practices for employee engagement and satisfaction.

We hope these important initiatives will help open communication lines across all parts of the organization and make sure all voices are heard. If you have thoughts or feedback about either of these announcements or anything else here at Fenway, please don’t hesitate to reach out to your supervisor or to email [email protected].

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