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Fenway’s Gerardo Moreno‑Serrano Leads Training At Casa Esperanza

Fenway Health’s dedicated staff members often go out into the community to advocate and educate on LGBTQ health topics. Gerardo Moreno‑Serrano, MS, LMHC, Bilingual Psychotherapist at Fenway Health, recently led an important training at Casa Esperanza, a bilingual and bicultural Substance Abuse Program that specializes in serving the Latino community in Massachusetts.

Casa Esperanza contacted Fenway Health’s behavioral health team to learn more about how best to work with Latinx/Hispanic LGBTQ and gender non-conforming clients. Gerardo visited Casa Esperanza staff and led discussions on sexual orientation, gender identity/expression, unconscious bias, intersectionality, building a safe space for patients, visibility, and clinical considerations when working with the LGBTQ community.

The mission of Casa Esperanza is to empower individuals and families to recover from addiction, trauma, mental illness and other chronic medical conditions; overcome homelessness; and achieve health and wellness through comprehensive, integrated care.

We’d like to thank Gerardo and all our staff for continuing to educate on LGBTQ health and creating connections across our communities!

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