Make a Plan This National Preparedness Month

September marks National Preparedness Month (NPM), which is recognized annually by the Department of Homeland Security and FEMA to promote family and community disaster and emergency planning now and throughout the year.

This year’s theme is “Prepared, Not Scared.” Each week in September is focused on building a different preparedness skill that will ensure that you and your loved ones are ready in the case of an emergency. Check out the NPM site for helpful web resources and toolkits each week.

Week 1: Save Early for Disaster Costs – Review your personal and home insurance plans to understand your coverage in the case of natural disasters, such as floods or tornadoes. Plan financially for possible disasters.

Week 2: Make a Plan to Prepare for Disasters – Create an emergency plan and practice it with your family. Learn your Evacuation Zone and sign up emergency alerts.

Week 3: Teach Youth to Prepare for Disasters – Help kids of all ages understand what to do in case of a disaster, and build kid-friendly emergency kits for home and school.

Week 4: Get Involved in Your Community’s Preparedness – Volunteer for your Community Emergency Response Team (CERT). Learn lifesaving skills such as CPR and first AID. Check in with your neighbors and find out how you can help each other in a disaster.

As part of Fenway Health’s commitment to the wellbeing of all people in our neighborhoods, we encourage our patients, employees, and community members to take emergency preparedness seriously. Make a plan today to be prepared, not scared, and stay safe during a disaster!

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