Noel’s Story: Change the Narrative. Change a Life. Support AIDS Action.

Noel, a regular AIDS Action client, picked up Narcan at our Access: Drug User Health Program. Narcan is a nasal spray that can reverse potentially fatal overdoses, and many of our clients carry it for safety. One afternoon, Noel saw someone on the street in her neighborhood who was showing signs of overdosing, including respiratory arrest.

After calling for help and assessing that this was indeed a drug overdose, as the person was unresponsive, Noel promptly administered Narcan to the person in danger and stayed with them until further help arrived. The tools and knowledge she gained at Access helped Noel save a life that day.

Access is a drop-in center and state-sanctioned syringe service program. Through overdose education and Narcan distribution, Access empowers clients to save lives in their own communities. Access also provides a variety of other services, including HIV/HCV/STI testing, health education and navigation, street and community outreach, behavioral health services, support groups, and some nursing. When clients gain knowledge and resources through Access, they can share their knowledge and take action in life-or-death situations.

Your support of the 2019 AIDS Walk Boston helps us continue to provide vital legal services for those in need. Change the Narrative. Change a Life. Support AIDS Action.

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