Our Values: Integrity

April Value of the Month: Integrity

Here at Fenway Health, our shared values are the core of our work each and every day. As we continue to implement our Strategic Plan and Racial Equity Action Plan (REAP), announced in June, we will engage with internal and external stakeholders with a “Value of the Month.” This month’s value is INTEGRITY.

Integrity means that we keep the promises we make to ourselves and each other. We are honest, forthright, and transparent. We take responsibility for our actions. When we fall short, we are quick to both acknowledge and address our mistakes. We ensure that community voices are centered in our health care and research programs by incorporating feedback from Community Advisory Boards.

As part of our commitment to integrity and transparency, we have been regularly updating the Fenway Health community on our progress in implementing the steps outlined in REAP and our strategic plan. In our most recent update, Fenway Health Board of Directors and CEO Ellen LaPointe highlighted the continued hiring of new talented and diverse senior-level staff, new equity-centered policies and professional development opportunities, our partnership with the Boston Black COVID Coalition, and more. We are committed to remaining accessible and accountable to our patients, staff, and community members as we continue to this important work.

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