On PrEP?
P3; Prepared, Protected, Empowered

P3 Study Logo

Participants can earn $50 for completing each session, $50 for an exit interview, and up to $135 based on their app use, for a possible total of $335.

P3 is an app for young men and transgender women who are taking PrEP for HIV prevention. It helps folks create tailored strategies for taking your meds daily and tracks how often you take them, provides information about PrEP and sexual health, and you can anonymously connect with other young people on PrEP. The purpose is to see if using an app helps people take their PrEP more regularly.

in the P3 study is six months long, and includes 3 study visits (enrollment, 3 months, and six months), and for people who get the app, using the app daily during the first 3 months of the study. Daily app use takes about 5 minutes. Some participants will also have the opportunity to text with a counselor in the app. Study participation also includes giving a blood sample via a finger prick, and an optional hair sample at 3 and 6 months.

You may be eligible if:
– You are HIV Negative
– You are on PrEP, or plan to initiate in the next month.
– You are aged 16–24

Interested? Click here to see if you are eligible.

For Questions, contact Jonathan Hill-Rorie at [email protected] or 857-313-6933,

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