“Moving Fenway Forward,” A Fenway Health Informational Meeting – CANCELLED

UPDATE: This meeting will NOT occur on June 20, but please watch this space for information about future community meetings.


There have been a lot of great changes at Fenway Health over the past six months. The feedback we’ve received from community members has been invaluable to our efforts to improve, grow, and move the organization forward. Now, we’d like to pause for a moment and share more information about all the important changes we’ve been making.

Please join us on June 20 at 6 PM for “Moving Fenway Forward” a Fenway Health Informational Meeting with our Interim CEO Darlene Stromstad and Fenway Health Board members. The meeting will be held on the 9th floor of our main offices at 1340 Boylston St., Boston.  The event is free and open to everyone. You can RSVP with an email to Philip Finch.

We have lots to share with you and we encourage you to come learn about all the exciting new initiatives happening at Fenway Health, including our ongoing search for a new permanent CEO. We value your voices, and we thank you for being part of our community.

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