Seasonal Influenza Vaccinations 2021 – 2022

Flu shots are now available at all of our sites.

Influenza Vaccinations at Fenway Health

If you are not a 1340 Boylston Street, Fenway: South End, or Sidney Borum, Jr. Health Program patient and you would like to become one, please call 617.927.6000 to register and set up an appointment with a new medical provider for your vaccination.

If you or your child have a medical appointment with your provider already scheduled in the next two months, please keep this appointment and do not call for a separate appointment. You will get your flu shot at your already scheduled appointment.

If you are a current adult patient of Fenway Health and have not already scheduled a medical appointment with your provider, please call the appointment line at 617.927.6000 and ask for a vaccination appointment with one of our nurses. You can also schedule an appointment online by clicking here.

Influenza Vaccination Clinics at 1340 Boylston (Ansin Building)

Please wear clothing to your appointment that will allow easy access to your shoulder area.

If you are 19 years of age or older, you can make your appointment on any one of our medical floors. If you are under 19 years of age or will be making an appointment for someone older than 6 months and under 19 years of age, please ask for an appointment on our 3rd floor.



Seasonal Influenza Vaccination at 142 Berkeley (Fenway: South End)

You can make an appointment in order to get a flu shot; please call 617.927.6000 soon to secure a date and time. Please wear clothing to your appointment that will allow easy access to your shoulder area.

If you are under 19 years of age or will be making an appointment for someone older than 6 months and under 19 years of age, please ask for an appointment in our Family Medicine practice.


Seasonal Influenza Vaccination at 142 Berkeley (the Borum)

If you are at patient at the Borum, please feel free to make an appointment at either our 1340 Boylston Street or 142 Berkeley Street location. If you are under 19 years of age or will be making an appointment for someone older than 6 months and under 19 years of age, please ask for an appointment in our Family Medicine practice.


Helpful Seasonal Influenza Information

The following links provide great resources and information about both H1N1 and seasonal influenza

• Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Influenza Homepage
• Massachusetts Department of Public Health Influenza Homepage
• Boston Public Health Commission Influenza Homepage

What to do if You Think You Have Influenza?

Please click on the following link for instructions from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention:

If, after reading the above link, you feel you need to speak to a healthcare provider, please call the Medical Department at 617.927.6300 for assistance or call our appointment line at 617.927.6000 to schedule a medical visit.

This page was updated on September 20, 2021

For Immunization Appointments:


Ansin Building

Sidney Borum, Jr. Health Program

MyFenway is Now MyChart

Patients can use MyChart to request prescription refills and referrals online, as well as communicate with some providers. 

Questions? Email [email protected]

Requesting Medical Records

To request a copy of your medical record, please download the medical records release form (PDF) and then fax it to 617.425.5713 or mail it to Medical Records, Fenway Health, Ansin Building, 1340 Boylston Street, Boston, MA 02215.

Autorización de Fenway Health para divulgar información de salud protegida.

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